AncestryDNA: Using Cousin Matches for Your Genealogical Research

Learn how to use AncestryDNA Shared Matches to Solve Genealogy Research Questions. This technique is good for any just about research question, but is especially beneficial for those trying to find a missing line in their tree, missing parents, or adoptees seeking their biological families, etc. The best use of DNA for genealogical research comes […]
Watch it! – Your Ancestors on

Watch Your Ancestors on FamilySearch!, MyHeritage, FindMyPast, and all other users, YOU’LL WANT TO SEE THIS TOO! In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to “watch” your ancestors and get email notifications with this very simple, yet powerful tool on Whether you’re on FamilySearch or not, you’ll want to “watch” your ancestors on […]
How to Download Your Tree from

Can you download your family tree from Can you upload your FamilySearch tree to Can you sync your family trees between and I get these questions a lot. I also get questions about how to sync your family tree between Family Tree Maker software and FamilySearch. In this video we’re going […]
How &Why to Download a Gedcom File from (2020)

I get this question all the time, about how to download your family tree. Alternatively, I get the question… How can you download your family tree and upload it to another service? Lastly, why should you download your family tree from Ancestry or any other service? WHAT IS A GEDCOM FILE? Technically it stands for […]’s Covid 19 Survey for AncestryDNA® Members (May 2020)

This “footnotes” episode is an interview with Dr. Eurie Hong, Vice President of Genomics at Ancestry. This video explores how Ancestry is asking it’s DNA customers to answer a survey to help provide DNA data that might help contribute to solving the Covid 19 Pandemic. With the largest family history DNA database in the world, […] 5 Tips for All Genealogists!

CLICK THE IMAGE TO GO TO THE VIDEO (Updated 3-31-20) In this episode called “ 5 Tips for All Genealogists” whether you’re a subscriber to MyHeritage or not, you should know what they have to offer that is truly unique and some of it is totally free on their website. They are: The new MyHeritage […] How to Share Your Tree With Another

Learn how to share your tree the safe way. In this video I talk about the various permission levels when sharing your family history tree. There are three levels of permissions that you should be aware of when sharing your tree with someone. Sharing your tree with someone as a Guest, Contributor, or an […]
How to Prepare for a Family History ROAD TRIP! – Genealogy TV Live (REPLAY)

Learn how to prepare for a family history ROAD TRIP in this Genealogy TV replay of the live episode from 1-18-20. We talked about how to prepare in advance of your trip to the archives, library, family history centers, and more. PLUS I answer a ton of recent questions and comments. These questions were pulled […]
Happy New Year! Create Genealogy Research Goals for 2020

With this Tiny Tip Tuesday… get inspired to write down your research goals and plans for 2020. With research goals, you create research questions, with research questions, you can create research plans, with research plans you develop places to look for your ancestors, but it all starts with what do you want to know about […]
Inspiring You to Write About Your Holiday Memories

In this video I hope to inspire you to write about your holiday experience and childhood memories.