Connecting & Disconnecting Ancestors + Floating Trees on Ancestry

Genealogy TV

Learn how to connect and disconnect ancestors that are “floating” in your family tree on Also, more about what and why to use floating trees or floating ancestors. It’s a great genealogy research strategy for keeping track of the Friends, Associates, and Neighbors, a.k.a. “The FAN Club.”

Ancestry ThruLines(R) Explained 2023

Genealogy TV

Learn how to use AncestryDNA’s ThruLines.  Here I’ll explain how ThruLines is built so that you can use it for your family history strategies when doing your genealogy.

MyHeritage Chromosome Browser & AutoCluster (2023)

Genealogy TV

Learn how the chromosome browser at MyHeritage works from the Expert Genealogist, Daniel Horowitz from MyHeritage.  We also are talking about the very cool Auto Cluster tool. ?? Free MyHeritage Family Tree Builder (affiliate) ?? Free DNA Upload (affiliate) ?? Free Trial of MyHeritage Complete Plan:

DNA Painter with Jonny Perl: NEW UPDATES 2023

Genealogy TV

DNA Painter is one of the most loved tools by professional and hobby genealogists alike and it is free to use. is a tool we use to help understand the DNA relationships between our DNA cousins and a whole lot more. The various tools here can help you solve those family history mysteries we […]

WikiTree Updates 2023

Genealogy TV

In this episode we’re getting an update on the latest changes and features at WIkiTree from WikiTree’s own Mindy Silva. WikiTree is a free platform and a great place to look for clues or build your family tree.   It is a collaborative tree, so finding your ancestors on the WikiTree may just unlock hundreds of […]

Ancestry, If You’re Listening….

Genealogy TV

Ancestry, If You’re Listening… After an interview with Ancestry’s own Crista Cowan (while at RootsTech 2023) we talked about all of the new features and some coming soon at There were tens of thousands of views and hundreds of comments and feature requests. In this episode I culled those down to about a dozen […]