Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy SLIG

Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG) 2019-20

Would you like to take your family history education to the next level? Learn about how you can take your genealogy skills to the next level at the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. 

I created this video to bring awareness to the Genealogy TV audience as another educational opportunity. 

This video is not sponsored by SLIG, but is presented here to be informative about upcoming educational opportunities.

In this “footnotes” episode, Peg Ivanyo, Director at SLIG, tells us about the upcoming Virtual courses, SLIG 2020 in Salt Lake City, and the Academy for Professional Genealogist that immediately follows SLIG in January 2020. Also discussed are tips and information about registration should you choose to attend any of the SLIG programs.

CONTEST! Enter to win one of two $50 SLIG Store Gift Certificates. For contest information, rules, enter at and scroll to the bottom.

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