New Genealogy TV Website

Welcome to the new Genealogy TV website, I’m so glad you’re here. My goal is to make Genealogy TV the best free genealogy and educational resource available, presented primarily through video and blog posts. I launched the Genealogy TV YouTube channel on August 22nd, 2018 and it’s growing like aContinue Reading

This is my favorite video gear for shooting family events, interviews and reunions. Connie’s Favorite Gear for Interviewing Depending on the situation I will typically use the least amount of gear, but might grab any or all of these. Tripods Affordable Tripod Small tripod with cell phone grip  Make sureContinue Reading

The Journey Begins! Thanks for joining me. This is the beginning of a new adventure in genealogical/historical reporting and education through video and blogs. Why am I doing this?  Between my ancestors and my husbands (to date) we have an ancestor in 57 of the 100 counties in North Carolina. Continue Reading