Today we are covering the basics of DNA research for genealogy.  Here we’ll talk about the different DNA tests, companies, DNA strategies, and how it can help you with your family history research. This is a simple explanation without all the science lessons. This compares who is the best DNAContinue Reading

AncestryDNA Cousin Matches: Next Steps

Learn how to take the next steps when using AncestryDNA Cousin Matches. This episode picks up where the previous cousin match episode, from a few weeks ago, left off. Now take your DNA cousin matches to the next level in combination with traditional genealogical research. Here we use a realContinue Reading

FamilyTreeDNA: Mitochondrial DNA Test (The Maternal Line) Part 3 of 3 - Genetic Genealogy

In this FamilyTreeDNA: Mitochondrial DNA Test (The Maternal Line) Part 3 of 3 – Genetic Genealogy the mothers line or Mitochondrial mtDNA) tests and website is discussed. FamilyTreeDNA’s Mitochondrial DNA test (at can be another opportunity for researching your family history by tracing the maternal line. This three partContinue Reading

FamilyTreeDNA: Y-DNA Test (The Father's Line) Part 2 of 3 - Genetic Genealogy 2019

FamilyTreeDNA ( can be another great service for researching your family history by using their Family Finder, Y-DNA, Mitochondrial DNA services. This is a three part series. In this (part two) episode, it is all about Y-DNA (the father’s line) a service at FamilyTreeDNA. Part One covered an overview ofContinue Reading

Did you know that does DNA testing? Did you know they have cross matching with other company ancestral trees? Did you know they have a chromosome browser? In this “footnotes” episode we’re talking with Daniel Horowitz with about the DNA side of their services. They have some veryContinue Reading