Use DNA Cousins without Trees (Ancestry)
Can you use DNA cousins who don’t have trees online? Why yes you can. I’ll show you how on Ancestry.
AncestryDNA Cousin Matches: Next Steps
Learn how to take the next steps when using AncestryDNA Cousin Matches. This episode picks up where the previous cousin match episode, from a few weeks ago, left off. Now take your DNA cousin matches to the next level in combination with traditional genealogical research. Here we use a real example, a real brick wall, […]
AncestryDNA: Using Cousin Matches for Your Genealogical Research
Learn how to use AncestryDNA Shared Matches to Solve Genealogy Research Questions. This technique is good for any just about research question, but is especially beneficial for those trying to find a missing line in their tree, missing parents, or adoptees seeking their biological families, etc. The best use of DNA for genealogical research comes […]