Ancestry New Features: June 2023 with Crista Cowan

Right now (June 2023) Ancestry is rolling out some new features. Some of these are based on your requests. In this interview with Ancestry’s own Crista Cowan, we demonstrate the newest features and product releases, some of which are so new, not even Crista had access to some of them… but I did!
Ancestry DNA Update: Dividing DNA Cousins by Our Parents

AncestryDNA® has come out with another DNA update where they are dividing our DNA cousin matches by our parents’ sides of the family. This is another step forward in genetic genealogy at Ancestry. With no effort at all, we can now see your DNA cousin matches divided by the paternal and maternal branches. This will be […]
1950 U.S. Federal Census Release on April 1st, 2022?

The 1950 U.S. The Federal Census is being released on April 1st, 2022. Learn all about the 1950 Census and how it can help your family history research.
Learn Genealogy – Vital Events and Records

Vital Events and Records Right from the beginning of your genealogical journey, you’re going to want to start collecting documents surrounding vital events. These are typically birth, marriage, death, and divorce records. As mentioned before, start backwards. Look for an ancestor’s death certificate (or information) before seeking marriage and birth certificates. Obviously, in some cases the […]
Connie's Favorite Video Gear

This is my favorite video gear for shooting family events, interviews and reunions. Connie’s Favorite Gear for Interviewing Depending on the situation I will typically use the least amount of gear, but might grab any or all of these. Tripods Affordable Tripod Small tripod with cell phone grip Make sure it fits your cell phone. […]
NC Civil War & Reconstruction History Center

Do you have Civil War ancestors? If so, you’ll want to know about this new NC Civil War & Reconstruction History Center located in Fayetteville, North Carolina. I had the opportunity to interview Cheri Molter, an employee with the center. She explained that the center is collecting your stories for this educational center. See the […]
Interviewing Family, Part Two – Recording Your Interviews

Here in Part two, we’re talking about how to record an interview with a family member. For information the questions you should ask, please see Interviewing Family, Part One – The Interview. To jump straight to my favorite video gear, go here. You’ll want to record your family interviews or perhaps just the conversation around the […]
12 Tips for Interviewing Family Part One – The Interview

Learn Genealogy – Software vs. Online Services

If you’re new to genealogy you may be asking yourself, how do I get started, what do I collect, where do I find this stuff, and how do I keep it all organized? Today let’s talk about the basic differences between online services and software on your computer. Both online and software programs will allow […]
Learn Genealogy – Research Logs & Research Planning

Use your Research Planning in combination with your Research Log … by using spreadsheets!