Newly Released Features at Ancestry & What is Coming Soon with Crista Cowan

Just announced are new features at Ancestry for both the desktop and mobile apps. Get the inside scoop from’s very own Crista Cowan.
AncestryDNA(R) Results

Learn all about AncestryDNA including ethnicity estimates, cousin matches, and Thrulines(R) and how to use it all to help you with your family history research.
Archiving Photos & Scrapbooks with Melissa Barker

Learn from The Archive Lady, Melissa Barker, how to archive photos and scrapbooks. Plus she has tips on digitizing and donating your personal archives to ensure they are not tossed by family after we’re gone. More about Melissa: ? Blog: ? Email for Melissa [email protected] ?? Epson V600 Flatbed Scanner Melissa talked about. […]
Forgotten Genealogy Records

Here are five genealogy record sets that you might have forgotten about when doing your family history research.
Finding Proof for Your Family History and Genealogy

Finding proof of your lineage can be a challenge at times. In a criminal court of law, you need to prove someone’s guilt “beyond a shadow of a doubt.” Similarly in genealogy, we need to have evidence that after “reasonably exhaustive research,” the evidence points to a solid conclusion. In this process we are weighing […]
How Far Back Can You Go with Your Family Tree Using atDNA?

Just how far back can you trace your family tree using atDNA cousin matches found on places like Ancestry, FamilyTreeDNA, MyHeritage and 23andMe? In this episode we’ll answer that question. Genealogy TV Playlists Your DNA Guide Courses with Diahan Southard (affiliate)
RootsTech 2023 Contest on Genealogy TV

RootsTech 2023 is going to be In-Person for the first time since the pandemic in Salt Lake City, UT from March 2-4th, 2023. I hope to see you there! Enter for a chance to win a 3 Day In-Person Pass to RootsTech 2023 here Contest ends midnight (eastern U.S.) 1/29/2023.
Connecting Floating Trees on Ancestry

How do you connect a Floating tree to your main tree on (A viewer asked). In this episode, I’ll demonstrate how to use floating trees, branches, or floating ancestors which can be a huge advantage when researching your family history. This genealogy tutorial answers the questions… What is a floating tree, how to find […]
Where to Find Genealogy Records for Family History Online

In the last episode we created a checklist of places to look for records to help you formulate a genealogy research plan. In this episode we’ll talk about where to find some of those records.
Genealogy Research & Family History Records Checklist to Grow Your Family Tree

When I first started out in genealogy, I wanted a genealogy records checklist. I guess I’m a checklist kind of person. So here I’ve created a list of types of records to look for when researching each ancestor. This is a “suggested” list of what to look for, not necessarily where to find them. There […]