10 Best Genealogy Research Tips on Ancestry and FamilySearch: Part 2

I took the top ten genealogy research tips (using Ancestry and FamilySearch) that Genealogy TV viewers watched the most and compiled them into two episodes. Think of it as the “Best of Genealogy TV” videos and tips for family history. This is Part 2 of this two part series. Here in part two, we’ll see […]
10 Best Genealogy Research Tips on Ancestry and FamilySearch: Part 1

I took the top ten genealogy research tips that Genealogy TV viewers watched the most and compiled them into two episodes. Think of it as “Best of…” videos. This is Part 1 of this two part series. In part one we’ll see clips about how to find private trees on Ancestry, who is working on […]
How to Transfer Audio Cassettes to Digital Computer Files

Learn how to take old audio cassettes and transfer them to digital computer files so you can preserve family audio cassettes. These old cassettes won’t last forever, but digital files will. In this video I show you how simple it is to transfer audio files with an easy to use free software and equipment that […]
How to Get Responses to Your Messages on Family History Websites

In this live show, now available for replay, we’re talking about why you might not be getting responses to your messages through family tree services like Ancestry, FamilySearch, MyHeritage, FindMyPast, WikiTree, family history forums, and others… and how you can improve your odds. Then we’re talking about what to do if you don’t get a […]
Wills, Estates & Women’s Rights for Genealogy

Wills, probate and estate records can be the best family history records you ever find. Additionally, understanding your female ancestors rights with regard to land ownership, dower rights, and their place in society at the time, can help you know how to find women in the records to help with your family tree. In this […]
Document Preservation: 1870’s Marriage Certificate, with The Archive Lady, Melissa Barker

Learn how to preserve old documents from The Archive Lady, Melissa Barker. In this episode she teaches the great granddaughter of the now famous 1872 DeWorth-Havey marriage certificate (that was found in a thrift shop), how to preserve this old document that she now owns.
1870’s Marriage Certificate Found in Thrift Shop: The Whole Story

National media picked up this family history story about the 1870’s marriage certificate that was found in the back of a painting in a thrift shop. I’m the one who solved the mystery of this old marriage certificate. In this episode, I’m going to share with you the whole story, how I did the genealogy […]
Occupations Can Tie Ancestors Together in Genealogy Research

Best 5 Online Resources for Genealogy

Here are my top 5 best genealogy resources for 2021. Also, I’ll show you my favorite tips and tricks for these online family history research companies.
U.S. Military Records

Learn about where to find U.S. Military Records, most of which are free to search. We’ll explore Military Records for your genealogy research on Ancestry, FamilySearch, Fold3, and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).