Thrulines™ & Social Security Death Index Questions Answered Plus More!

In this video I answer some of the questions from a recent Genealogy TV episode called “ ThruLines Explained” as well as from “How to Research the Social Security Death Index Online“, along with some other general questions about family history research. 1:53 Question: If a person shows up on Thrulines are you automatically related […]
How &Why to Download a Gedcom File from (2020)

I get this question all the time, about how to download your family tree. Alternatively, I get the question… How can you download your family tree and upload it to another service? Lastly, why should you download your family tree from Ancestry or any other service? WHAT IS A GEDCOM FILE? Technically it stands for […]’s New StoryScout™ Feature (June 2020) has a brand new feature called StoryScout™. In this episode I’ll demonstrate this new beta feature. StoryScout™ is a trademark property of due to be released to all members in June 2020.
Genealogy TV Adds YouTube Memberships
I’m super excited to announce that I’m now able to offer memberships to Genealogy TV on the YouTube platform. All the perks of membership are in the video above. To Join, you first need to be a Subscriber to the Genealogy TV channel, then you should be able to see a Join button under any […]’s Covid 19 Survey for AncestryDNA® Members (May 2020)

This “footnotes” episode is an interview with Dr. Eurie Hong, Vice President of Genomics at Ancestry. This video explores how Ancestry is asking it’s DNA customers to answer a survey to help provide DNA data that might help contribute to solving the Covid 19 Pandemic. With the largest family history DNA database in the world, […] ThruLines Explained (2020)

In this episode I explain exactly how’s ThruLines works, where it gets its data, and how it can help you with your family history research. Links discussed in this episode… Other Links discussed in this video and THRULINES Videos ? Thrulines™ Q&A with Crista Cowan ? Ancestry’s ThruLines(TM) Q & A ? Ancestry’s New […]
10 Tips for U.S. Census Records for Genealogy Research

Here are 10 tips about the U.S. Census Records and how they can help you with your genealogy research. As you work on your family history, you’ll come to realize that census records can be the backbone of your genealogical journey. While they were created to help count the people for proper representation in congress, […]
How to Research the Social Security Death Index Online

Are you familiar with the Social Security Death Index as a resource for your family history? In this video I’m talking about the two sets of records available and how it can help you with your genealogy research. Also, I’ll talk about where to find the records, how to research them, and where you can […]
Headstone Designs, Symbols, Cherubs, Iconography Found in Cemeteries and Their Meaning

Have you ever wondered what Headstone Designs, Symbols, Cherubs & Icons mean when you’re visiting cemeteries? Can they help you with your genealogy? In this video we’re going to explore the historic icons found in graveyards and cemeteries and talk about their meaning. Special thanks to Eric Kozen, superintendent at Oakdale Cemetery in Wilmington, NC […]
Trace Your Family Tree for Free Online: 5 Step Process

Great for Beginners! Learn how to TRACE YOUR FAMILY TREE FOR FREE with this 5 step process, plus bonus tips and a FREE eBOOK! Are you stuck at home and looking for something fun to do? In this video, I go through the details in each step for how to research your family history totally […]