Your Question Answered, Part 2: About How & Why You Should Keep Good RESEARCH NOTES, PLANS & LOGS!

Here is “Your Question Answered, Part 2: How & Why You Should Keep Good RESEARCH NOTES, PLANS & LOGS!” In this video I answer another viewer question from the video “How to Add Friends, Associates, & Neighbors to” This video is specifically about Research Notes/Logs/Plans and how to stay organized.

*** SHOW NOTES ***
??How to Create Great Research Notes

??Ancestry’s 3 Things You Need To Know (Member Connect, Edit Relationships, Customize the Home Page)

??Ancestry’s New Tree Tags + Hacks (Answers about Thrulines)

??Learn Genealogy Playlist

??Good Filing From the Start

??How to Use Cluster Genealogy a.k.a. the FAN Club



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