What DNA test should you take? In this video I compare Ancestry DNA, Family Tree DNA, MyHeritage DNA, and 23andMe DNA. Comparing DNA companies and learning how you can transfer your DNA from one company to another can be helpful in your family history research and save you money. Also I review the basic differences between Autosomal DNA, Y-DNA, and Mitochondrial DNA. Special DNA DISCOUNTS for Genealogy TV viewers in the Show Notes below.
*** SHOW NOTES ***
Recommended Book
? The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy by Blaine Bettinger
(Hover and click the links below for details)
???MYHERITAGE DNA (affiliate link)???
SPECIAL Genealogy TV SALE PRICE for MyHeritage $59!
??ANCESTRY DNA (affiliate link)?? Current price for Ancestry DNA
???Family Tree DNA – all tests (affiliate link)???
Save $20 to $150 during the FamilyTreeDNA Summer Sale and discover more about your ancestry! Sale ends 8-31-2019
???Family Tree Autosomal DNA (affiliate link) ALL TESTS COMPARED???
Save $20 on Family Finder and discover your origins and make new family connections! Sale ends 8-31-2019.
???Family Tree Mitochondrial (mother’s line) DNA (affiliate link)???
Save $50 on FamilyTreeDNA’s Maternal Ancestry Test – mtFull Sequence – to discover the path of your maternal line and connect with relatives! Sale ends 8-31-2019.
???Family Tree Y-DNA (father’s line) DNA (affiliate link)???
Save up to $150 on FamilyTreeDNA’s Y-DNA Paternal Ancestry Tests and discover the origins of your surname and much more! Sale ends 8-31-2019.
?23andMe All Tests
ALSO HELPFUL For a deeper dive into genetic genealogy…
?ISOGG (International Society of Genetic Genealogist)
?DNA Painter Tool to determine the family relationships by cM (centimorgans)
?The Genetic Genealogist (Blaine Bettinger) Shared centiMorgan Project