Wills, Estates & Women’s Rights for Genealogy
Wills, probate and estate records can be the best family history records you ever find. Additionally, understanding your female ancestors rights with regard to land ownership, dower rights, and their place in society at the time, can help you know how to find women in the records to help with your family tree. In this […]
Learn Genealogy – Vital Events and Records
Vital Events and Records Right from the beginning of your genealogical journey, you’re going to want to start collecting documents surrounding vital events. These are typically birth, marriage, death, and divorce records. As mentioned before, start backwards. Look for an ancestor’s death certificate (or information) before seeking marriage and birth certificates. Obviously, in some cases the […]
Learn Genealogy – Easy-Breezy Source Citations
Six W’s and How Genealogy Source Citations Will Work for You!