Use One Primary Tree: Tiny Tip Clip?

Learn why you should consider having one primary family tree as your “go to” tree when doing your genealogy research.  This is a Tiny Tip Clip from the original episode called FamilySearch 5 Tips for Free Genealogy Research.

Floating Trees on Ancestry: Tiny Tip Clip

What is a floating tree? Why should you create a floating tree? This is an excellent strategy for genealogy research to find other ancestors within your ancestors clan. This is a Tiny Tip Clip from a previous episode listed below. In this episode I’ll show you how to create a floating tree on and […]

FamilySearch Wiki

NEW TODAY! Learn how to find any record for your ancestors in the location you are doing genealogy research using the FamilySearch Wiki.  This is a Tiny Tip Clip from the original episode 5 Tips for Free Genealogy Research (2020)

Searching Private Trees on Ancestry: Tiny Tip Clip

Learn how to search Private Trees for your ancestors on Yes you can… search private trees for your ancestors and I will show you how. This is a “Tiny Tip Clip” from the original episode called “Hidden Tools on Ancestry.”  

Five Hidden Tools on Ancestry

Five Hidden Tools on Ancestry

Here are five hidden tools that are often overlooked on Improve your family history research by understanding all the research tools and records on Ancestry. In this episode, learn how to search private trees, tricks for the card catalog, searching All Hints, who saved your records, and a timeline in the AncestryDNA ethnicity estimates. […]

Genetic Affairs – DNA Clustering – 3 Part Series

Genetic Affairs 3 Part Series

Take your DNA research and cousin match grouping to the next level at This video is not sponsored by Genetic Affairs, this info is provided for your education.  Learn all about the very unique tools that help make clustering DNA cousin matches instantly so that you can see how your DNA Cousins relate to […]

Fixing Relationships on Ancestry

Fix Relationships on Ancestry

Here you’ll learn how to handle different relationships such as adoptive parents, step parents, or how to fix the wrong parent/child relationships on

Genealogy Research in Cemeteries: 10 Tips

Genealogy Research in Cemeteries: 10 Tips

It’s Halloween and what better way to celebrate during the pandemic than to visit your ancestors in a cemetery.  Now these are not spooky ideas, just fun ideas to help research your ancestors in graveyards and cemeteries, both in person and online. I’ve got 10 ideas to help you find your ancestors in cemeteries. Fall […]

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