Five Books Every Genealogist Should Have
Here are five books that every genealogist should have in their library. Plus a bonus book as one of my favorite family history books. Click the image to go to the book, if one suits your fancy! They are: #1 Evidence Explained, by Elizabeth Shown Mills is the gold standard for how to write proper […]
Genealogy TV LIVE: Updates and Reasonably Exhaustive Research Explained (Replay from 13 July 2019)
Get the latest updates about the new features on along with a discussion about Reasonably Exhaustive Research and what that means for you. During this program we also talked about Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy, answered some questions about DNA resolving missing parentage/adoption issues, how to use The Genetic Genealogist Shared cM Project chart, […]
Correlation of Evidence
In this video learn how to map out the facts from all of your genealogical evidence in an easy to read way so that you can prove or disprove your family history hypothesis. This helps resolve your family history questions and resolve conflicting evidence. This is a clip from a recent Insiders Group Coaching Session. […]