Find More Genealogy Facts with the Trifecta Strategy Wall Buster

NEW! The Trifecta Strategy uses 3 to the Third Power to solve your brick walls.  It uses, and one other genealogy repository of your choice (like or Breakdown those brick walls with this new strategy.  The Trifecta Strategy is designed to keep you focused on aContinue Reading

Watch it! - Your Ancestors on

Watch Your Ancestors on FamilySearch!, MyHeritage, FindMyPast, and all other users, YOU’LL WANT TO SEE THIS TOO!  In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to “watch” your ancestors and  get email notifications with this very simple, yet powerful tool on  Whether you’re on FamilySearch or not, you’ll wantContinue Reading

Vital Events and Records Right from the beginning of your genealogical journey, you’re going to want to start collecting documents surrounding vital events. These are typically birth, marriage, death, and divorce records. As mentioned before, start backwards. Look for an ancestor’s death certificate (or information) before seeking marriage and birth certificates.Continue Reading