Find More Genealogy Facts with the Trifecta Strategy Wall Buster

NEW! The Trifecta Strategy uses 3 to the Third Power to solve your brick walls.  It uses, and one other genealogy repository of your choice (like or Breakdown those brick walls with this new strategy.  The Trifecta Strategy is designed to keep you focused on aContinue Reading

AncestryDNA Cousin Matches: Next Steps

Learn how to take the next steps when using AncestryDNA Cousin Matches. This episode picks up where the previous cousin match episode, from a few weeks ago, left off. Now take your DNA cousin matches to the next level in combination with traditional genealogical research. Here we use a realContinue Reading Thrulines™ & SSDI Questions Answered - Plus More!

In this video I answer some of the questions from a recent Genealogy TV episode called “ ThruLines Explained” as well as from “How to Research the Social Security Death Index Online“, along with some other general questions about family history research. 1:53 Question: If a person shows up onContinue Reading