Guide to FamilySearch

In this Users Guide to FamilySearch, we’ll talk about some tricks when using FamilySearch. Here I share my top 5 best practices when using FamilySearch.
Hints & Clues on Ancestry has hints and clues all over their platform. Some are obvious and others are not. In this episode I’m revealing 20 hints and clues that you may have overlooked. This is everything from the obvious leafy hints to finding potential ancestors. ? There is a HANDOUT for INFO ACCESS level Channel Members. Channel Members […]
What is the USGenWeb?

Learn about hyperlocal resources at the Project. Taneya Koonce is our guest on this Footnotes episode. She is the Assistant Coordinator for the State of North Carolina version of USGenWeb.
I Did a Living DNA Test with the Wellness Report

I did a Living DNA test with the Wellness report. I’m showing it all to you in this episode so that you can learn what is under the hood at Living DNA. ? There is a HANDOUT for INFO ACCESS level Channel Members. Channel Members can find the handouts in the Community Tab on the […]
Tracking Ancestors FAN Club (Worksheet): Brick Wall Buster

Learn how to track ancestors FAN Club members (Friends, Associates, and Neighbors – a.k.a Cluster Research) to break down those brick walls and get unstuck. Researching the people who interacted with your ancestors often helps you confirm your records and ancestor connections. Tracking them is key to resolving family history problems. In this video, I’ll […]
Member Connect on

Wouldn’t it be great to collaborate with other genealogists about the same ancestors you are researching? You can with’s Member Connect. ? There is a handout for Information Access Channel Members. Channel Members can find the handouts in the Community Tab on the YouTube channel.
Ancestry’s StoryScout Name Facts Source Citations with Crista Cowan

Learn how to use Ancestor Name Facts properly on, plus more about StoryScout(TM) and tips about Source Citations. This is part of an interview with Crista Cowan, Corporate Genealogist at
Ancestry’s Card Catalog: Professional Genealogists Tricks: Better than Hints!

This is the #1 way to search on Ancestry to get more results! It’s better than chasing hints. Learn five pro tricks to help you search the Ancestry Card Catalog. Here we’ll talk about various filter techniques, using wildcards to improve your search, keyword searches, and category searching. ? There is a handout for INFO […]
How Family Trees and Hinting Works on Q & A with Crista Cowan

In this episode we’re talking about how the hinting system and family tree algorithms work on This is a continuation from the Q & A with Crista Cowan.
Mark Your Ancestry Trees with Emojis!

Mark Your Ancestry Trees with Emojis!