Genealogy TV

Only On MyHeritage (2024 Update)

Genealogy TV

MyHeritage and MyHeritage DNA have some of the most unique tools for genealogy and family history research. You can access genealogy records, see your family tree, ancestral photos, search member trees, and search your genetic genealogy using and their exclusive features for family history. In this video I’ll cover some of their new features and some of my favorites. 

When you go to the login, straightaway you can explore the MyHeritage Photo Enhancer, animate those ancestor photos, create family history videos, see what is available in records from around the world in so many languages, find other member family trees, research DNA cousins (if you have taken a MyHeritage DNA test or uploaded your DNA from another service like and so much more. 

MyHeritage also has a free family tree builder for those who want a place to build out free trees online.

I think what makes MyHeritage stand out from the rest of the genealogy online platforms is their DNA tools. Some of these tools are the Auto Clustering feature which takes your DNA cousins and in second groups them into family groups. Also there is the Chromosome Browser that helps you see which segments of your DNA you share with other DNA cousins.

Jump into the video, I’ll show you what I’m talking about as well as the free tools currently available.

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