If you are not familiar with the free family history resources at WikiTree.com, you should be.  WikiTree is a website made for all genealogists to explore their family history, contribute to family preservation, and where you can add your family tree to the world collaborative tree at WikiTree.  Several greatContinue Reading

How to Research Passenger Lists

Learn about where to find Passenger Lists for your immigrant ancestors on Ancestry, FamilySearch, the National Archives, Ellis Island Foundation, and more. ? There is a HANDOUT for INFO ACCESS level Channel Members. Channel Members can find the handouts in the Community Tab on the YouTube channel. Once you areContinue Reading

How to track ancestors

Learn how to track ancestors FAN Club members (Friends, Associates, and Neighbors – a.k.a Cluster Research) to break down those brick walls and get unstuck. Researching the people who interacted with your ancestors often helps you confirm your records and ancestor connections. Tracking them is key to resolving family historyContinue Reading

Member Connect on Ancestry.com

Wouldn’t it be great to collaborate with other genealogists about the same ancestors you are researching? You can with Ancestry.com’s Member Connect. ? There is a handout for Information Access Channel Members. Channel Members can find the handouts in the Community Tab on the YouTube channel. Continue Reading