French-Canadian Genealogy

French-Canadian Genealogy

Learn about French-Canadian Genealogy and how to research it from professional genealogist Margaret R. Fortier, CG® in this new “footnotes” episode Genealogy TVs YouTube channel. 

Margaret shares a ton of resources, history of the area, migration patterns, records, record locations, French-Canadian name changes, and cultural influences. Specifically Margaret talks about Drouin Collection as she notes it is a gold mine of family history information and many more.

*** Show Notes ***

Below is a complete list of the show notes and all of the information contributed by Margaret.

Margaret R. Fortier, Certified Genealogist®, can be found at:

Association of Professional Genealogists (APG)

Board for Certification of Genealogist (BCG)


OTHER EPISODES by Margaret R. Fortier, CG®

Immigration and Naturalization 

Italian Research


Drouin Collection on

Notarial Records

References below provided by Margaret R. Fortier


Geyh, Patricia Keeney et al. French-Canadian Sources: A Guide for Genealogists. Orem, Utah: Ancestry Publishing, 2002.

Brault, Gerard J.  The French-Canadian Heritage in New England. Hanover, New Hampshire: University Press of New England, 1986. 

Douglas, Althea. Here Be Dragons! Navigating the Hazards found in Canadian Family Research. Toronto: Ontario Genealogical Society, 1996.

Dit Names at American French Genealogical Society (website)

French LanguageGoogle Translate Type google translate into Google. Enter your text. Click to listen      .


Beginning French Pronunciation in About Education (website)

YouTube videos

“Learn French Pronunciation: French Sounds (les sons du français)”

“French Lesson 1 – French Alphabet”

“French Lesson 126 – Pronunciation of Nasal vowels in French – How to pronounce French words”

Social Media and Mailing Lists

Acadian & French-Canadian Genealogy & History group. Facebook.

Boston States mailing list. Rootsweb. 

Quebec-Research mailing list. Rootsweb.


A la French Genealogy. (website); genealogy tutorials and how to guides 

Acadian and French-Canadian Home. (website/blogs)

FrancoGene. (website)

Genealogy à la carte. (blog) by Gail Dever

Maple Stars and Stripes. (podcast).

Quebec Online Genealogy Records at Family Search (website)

The French Genealogy Blog; if you get all the way back to France.


American-French Genealogical Society, Woonsocket RI 

American-Canadian Genealogical Society, Manchester, NH

Detroit Society for Genealogical Research, Detroit, MI; see Denisson Index of French families

French-Canadian Heritage Society of California, Burbank, CA

French-Canadian Genealogy Society of Connecticut, Tolland, CT

Franco-American Centre at University of Maine, Orono, ME

Vermont French-Canadian Genealogical Society, Burlington, VT

Northern New York American-Canadian Genealogical Society, Plattsburgh, NY

Quebec Family History Society, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, Canada

Le centre de généalogie francophone d’Ámérique [Center for Francophone genealogy of America]; links to French-Canadian societies

The French-Canadian Heritage Society of Michigan, Royal Oak, MI

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