How to use FamilyTreeDNA Part 1, Family Finder

FamilyTreeDNA (Overview & Family Finder, Part 1 of 3)

FamilyTreeDNA ( can be another great service for researching your family history by using their Family Finder, Y-DNA, Mitochondrial DNA services.  This is a three part series.

In this (part one) episode, is an overview of FamilyTreeDNA and the Family Finder Service (the broad genetic family tree view).

Please know that this is not sponsored by FamilyTreeDNA but this information is provided to you for your knowledge and convenience.

Part Two covers the Y-DNA (the father’s line) testing and tools, and Part Three covers the Mitochondrial DNA (the mother’s line).

FamilyTreeDNA was the first to provide Y-DNA and mitochondrial DNA services to the consumer and is still the “go to” service for genealogist.

With autosomal DNA (the Family Finder product at FamilyTreeDNA), it can give a broad view of the genetic family tree. For tracing the male line, you’ll want the Y-DNA test and for tracing the female line, you’ll want the mitochondrial DNA test. For more information about DNA tests, see the episode “What DNA Test Should You Take?”

For your convenience, pricing for the various services that FamilyTreeDNA offers are below.

Compare all FamilyTreeDNA Test Kits

Upload your raw data to FTDNA

Family Finder (autosomal DNA)

Y-DNA Paternity Ancestry DNA Test

mtDNA (mitochondrial) Maternal DNA Test

Genealogy TV’s Playlist of All DNA Related Videos

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