Secret Trick for Searching Genealogy Records on Ancestry or FamilySearch
Learn my secret trick for researching records and how I found a missing 8 year old boy in the 1870 U.S. Census with this unique strategy anyone can use. There is a handout for this episode. Information about how to get the handout below. Note: You will need a recent version of Excel for this […]
Connecting & Disconnecting Ancestors + Floating Trees on Ancestry
Learn how to connect and disconnect ancestors that are “floating” in your family tree on Also, more about what and why to use floating trees or floating ancestors. It’s a great genealogy research strategy for keeping track of the Friends, Associates, and Neighbors, a.k.a. “The FAN Club.”
Ancestry New Features: June 2023 with Crista Cowan
Right now (June 2023) Ancestry is rolling out some new features. Some of these are based on your requests. In this interview with Ancestry’s own Crista Cowan, we demonstrate the newest features and product releases, some of which are so new, not even Crista had access to some of them… but I did!
Connecting Floating Trees on Ancestry
How do you connect a Floating tree to your main tree on (A viewer asked). In this episode, I’ll demonstrate how to use floating trees, branches, or floating ancestors which can be a huge advantage when researching your family history. This genealogy tutorial answers the questions… What is a floating tree, how to find […]
Where to Find Genealogy Records for Family History Online
In the last episode we created a checklist of places to look for records to help you formulate a genealogy research plan. In this episode we’ll talk about where to find some of those records.
How to Extract 1940 and 1950 U.S. Censuses into Excel or Google Sheets to Filter Surnames to Your Ancestors Using
Today we’re going to talk about how to extract US Census information from the 1940 and the 1950 U.S. census into Excel spreadsheets so that you can filter them quickly by surname to help find more family members. In previous episodes, I had been using this little trick I created where you can copy and […]
1890 US Census Substitutes + 300th Episode Contest Giveaway!
In this 300th Episode we’re celebrating with a contest and learning about how you can find other records to substitute what was lost in the 1890 U.S. Census. Enter to win a free subscription to and the Genealogy TV Academy. HOW TO ENTER and RULES FOR THE 300th Episode Contest:
Ancestry DNA Update: Dividing DNA Cousins by Our Parents
AncestryDNA® has come out with another DNA update where they are dividing our DNA cousin matches by our parents’ sides of the family. This is another step forward in genetic genealogy at Ancestry. With no effort at all, we can now see your DNA cousin matches divided by the paternal and maternal branches. This will be […]
Floating Trees on Ancestry: How and Why
Learn how and why you should use the Floating Trees on This is one of the best genealogy strategies. It will help you further your family history research with this powerful trick to help connect your FAN Club (Friends Associates and Neighbors) along with other suspected family members, DNA matches, and much more.
Extracting Census into Spreadsheets to Find Your Ancestors Fast: How to Use Ancestry & MS Excel
Learn how to use MS Excel to extract your ancestors in the U.S. Census to help find other family members living around your target ancestor. Even if you have never used Excel before, this is a step-by-step guide to how to import census data into Excel so you can filter by surname, filter multiple columns, […]