No Records Found: Negative Evidence

Genealogy TV

What do you do when you don’t find the record you expect to find? You have looked high and low and can’t find the records. Do you note the fact that you could not find the record in your research notes? Is this negative evidence or negative findings?

New Genealogy Website called “Storied”: CEO Kendall Hulet

Genealogy TV

Learn about the new genealogy company and family history building platform called Storied from the CEO and founder Kendall Hulet. Storied acquired which are just some of the records that Storied has to offer. If you want to export your family history into a book, Storied has a great offer you don’t want to […]

Exporting Branches of the Family Tree Using Family Tree Maker

Genealogy TV

Learn how to export branches of the family tree using Family Tree Maker. Often I get questions about how to export just part of the family tree to send to others or to make a new tree in Ancestry. Well, you can’t do this in Ancestry. However, you can use Family Tree Maker. I’ll show […]

Secret Gems on

Genealogy TV

Over the years Ancestry has made some significant updates. Along the way some of our favorite tools have been buried as well as some new tools may be harder to find. Here are seven secret hidden gems you may want to know about for your family history research.

Genealogy Research Plan Worksheet

Genealogy TV

Keep your thoughts organized with a Research Plan Worksheet. This easy to use plan can be used as you research your ancestors. Here you can keep a running list of records you need to find either when researching at home or on the road. In this episode I’ll show you how I’m getting ready for […]