12 Step Process for Researching Your Family History: Checklist

Here is a 12 step process, a checklist, you can follow for each ancestor you are researching in a methodical order. This will help ensure you have looked everywhere you can and properly documented your process as you go.
Top Ten “Go To” Records for Research

Here are the top ten “go to” records for family history research. Walk with me while I talk about these favorite genealogy records and some of the little nuances about them.
How to Extract 1940 and 1950 U.S. Censuses into Excel or Google Sheets to Filter Surnames to Your Ancestors Using Ancestry.com

Today we’re going to talk about how to extract US Census information from the 1940 and the 1950 U.S. census into Excel spreadsheets so that you can filter them quickly by surname to help find more family members. In previous episodes, I had been using this little trick I created where you can copy and […]
Organizing Multiple Spouses and Children into an Excel Timeline for Your Family History

Recently I had a GTV Academy member ask a question about how to organize multiple spouses with multiple kids with multiple names. I have created an Excel spreadsheet to help organize all of those ancestors, their marriages, and children by various spouses, in a timeline with dates and places… to help visualize exactly what was […]
1890 US Census Substitutes + 300th Episode Contest Giveaway!

In this 300th Episode we’re celebrating with a contest and learning about how you can find other records to substitute what was lost in the 1890 U.S. Census. Enter to win a free subscription to Ancestry.com and the Genealogy TV Academy. HOW TO ENTER and RULES FOR THE 300th Episode Contest: https://genealogytv.org/contests/
Ancestry DNA Update: Dividing DNA Cousins by Our Parents

AncestryDNA® has come out with another DNA update where they are dividing our DNA cousin matches by our parents’ sides of the family. This is another step forward in genetic genealogy at Ancestry. With no effort at all, we can now see your DNA cousin matches divided by the paternal and maternal branches. This will be […]
Floating Trees on Ancestry: How and Why

Learn how and why you should use the Floating Trees on Ancestry.com. This is one of the best genealogy strategies. It will help you further your family history research with this powerful trick to help connect your FAN Club (Friends Associates and Neighbors) along with other suspected family members, DNA matches, and much more.
Extracting Census into Spreadsheets to Find Your Ancestors Fast: How to Use Ancestry & MS Excel

Learn how to use MS Excel to extract your ancestors in the U.S. Census to help find other family members living around your target ancestor. Even if you have never used Excel before, this is a step-by-step guide to how to import census data into Excel so you can filter by surname, filter multiple columns, […]
Fixing Facts on Ancestry

Learn how to fix the facts in the Ancestry.com ancestor profile. Learn why you can’t edit some of the items seen in the facts column and how to fix them. Learn how the facts filters work and how to edit and remove duplicated facts, merge or remove sources attached to the facts. Learn how to […]
Hidden Clues in 1880 Census

I’m going to show you how to look at the 1880 census record like you’ve never looked at it before. There are so many hints and clues in this one record that I bet you can’t find them all. How many hidden clues are there in this one 1880 Census? Learn family history research in […]