Watch Crista Cowan, the Barefoot Genealogist, explain about two new very important record sets have been released by Ancestry.com for free. This is in partnership between Ancestry and the Arolsen Archives, “…we are honored to announce that we have digitized millions of Holocaust and Nazi persecution related archives.” Ancestry reports in their blog.
These records contain Jewish and non-Jewish persons who were liberated and or displaced as a result of WWII and the years that followed. These records are available for free to anyone even without a subscription.
To view these records for free, go to:
?? Ancestry.com/AlwaysRemember.
For Ancestry subscribers, you can go directly to these records at the links below. These two new record sets are:
?? Africa, Asia and Europe, Passenger Lists of Displaced Persons, 1946-1971
?? Europe, Registration of Foreigners and German Persecutees, 1939-1947
?? In this video, Crista Cowan explains in detail about what you can find in these records to assist you with your family research.