Genealogy TV Insiders

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Helping You Go Further, Faster, and Factually
With Your Family Research!

Genealogy TV News…

I’m pleased to announce that I’ve started Genealogy TV LIVE every “Second Saturday.”  The next one will be July 13th.  I hope you’ll join me live.  If you missed the first one, there is a replay story below.
Genealogy TV Insiders


Would you like some help figuring out your family history?  Do you have a brick wall that you would like help to brainstorm research ideas?  Would you like a group of fellow genealogists that you can hangout with online and make new friends?  Come laugh and have fun with us. Genealogy TV is starting new Genealogy TV Insiders group coaching sessions to help with you go Further, Faster, and Factually with Your Family Research.”  

The idea is that six brains are better than one. Collectively we’ll all help brainstorm everyone’s genealogical challenges through Zoom meetings (like Skype or Google Hangouts), so you’ll need a web cam.  Everyone will have an equal amount of time per session to talk about their research and brainstorm ideas. You’ll also participate in helping brainstorm the others in the group.

Every month there will be a different research theme about how to fine tune your skills.  This is perfect for beginner to intermediate genealogists to get some individualized coaching at a reasonable rate.  Then you can go back, do your research, and come back the next month to report on your success or challenges. Month after month, we’ll work through your family tree.

Two sessions are being offered.  One is on the First Friday of every month and the other is on the Third Thursday of every month both are at 6pm (eastern). These are separate groups, so you’re signing up for one or the other. More frequent meetings may be offered for an additional price, please ask.

Additionally, a private GTV Insiders Facebook page is available to continue the conversation, ask questions and learn along with other GTV Insiders at anytime.

There are only five people per group. Once they’re sold out, they’re gone until a space opens up, If necessary, I’ll create a wait list until I can start a new group.

Each session will be recorded and available for your review at anytime after the session and will be available for as long as you’re an Insider.

Should you miss a meeting, make up sessions may be offered within the calendar month, as time an need permits. However, refunds are not offered if you miss a meeting and can’t attend the make up meeting, as your seat is reserved especially for you.

The GTV Insiders group will be $49 per month after the first two groups are sold out.  HOWEVER, to kick this off, these FIRST TWO SESSIONS WILL BE $35 per month. These group sessions are approximately one hour in length.

If you have questions, please click the “Contact” tab in menu at the top of the page and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

To sign up for the GTV Insiders Group, go to Genealogy TV’s Patreon page, look on the right side under “Tiers,” scroll down to find the one you want.

Coming This Friday…

New Announcements from RootsTech London uploading on Friday 6-14-19.  In this episode I’m speaking with the program manager for RootsTech, Tara Bergeson.  She is giving us all the scoop on what classes are being offered, who the speakers are, more information about registration… and yes the exclusive Genealogy TV viewer discount code so that you can get 10% off your RootsTech London passes.  The Discount Code is “GENTV” but see the video for all of the details.

New This Week…

Click the image to watch the replay of the first live show.
The first Genealogy TV Live was an absolute blast.  Thanks for all who joined me live.  
In this episode we\ talked about good research questions, current family history news, celebrating some new things happening at Genealogy TV,  a NEW CONTEST,  new shows on Genealogy TV.
Click the image to go to the video.
Would you like to take your family history education to the next level?  Learn about how you can take your genealogy skills to the next level at the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. 


Enter to win one of two $50 gift certificates from the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy Store by clicking the button below. Even if you’re already on the Genealogy TV Newsletter list, you need to enter here to be eligible.   Thanks to Peg Ivanyo for the door prizes.  Full rules here.  Deadline to enter is July 9th.

Enter Here for the SLIG Store Contest
Whether you’re an Ancestry subscriber or not, here are 10 Free Things to Do On  Using Ancestry’s own document, we follow their 10 Free Items you can do on Ancestry without a paid subscription, including building a family tree totally for free.  Also some tricks that even this experienced genealogist didn’t know existed. For the complete Show Notes go here.

In Case You Missed It…

Click the image to go to the video.
Rootstech is the largest genealogical conference in the world held every year in Salt Lake City, but this year Rootstech is adding a conference in LONDON!  In this episode I talk with Tyler Stahle, Marketing & Communications Director at Rootstech.  He will tell us all about the new conference in London, the big announcement about a keynote speaker, and a special discount code just for Genealogy TV audience.   The Discount Code is “GENTV” for 10% off any registration including the Virtual Pass.
Click the image to go to the video.
What is Forensic Genealogy?  Find out in this new “footnotes” episode where we talk with Christine Cochran, a professional genealogist as she runs through exactly what is forensic genealogy and what it is not.  In this family history video we talk about how forensic genealogy is used in estates, land transactions, DNA, crime investigation, repatriation, missing persons and much more… including how you could take your hobby and turn it into a new career.
Click Here to Find Genealogy TV on Facebook

Special Thanks…

Special thanks to the new patrons this past week.  I really appreciate the support!  

New Patrons

Debbie P.
Lora C.
Sandra G.

Coming Soon… 

An interview with Crista Cowan of Ancestry fame.  We recorded an interview answering more questions about their new ThruLines (TM).  That will be coming out on Genealogy TV in about two weeks.  

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At Genealogy TV I produce at least one new video per week to…

“Help You Go Further, Faster and Factually with your Family Research!”

If you’re finding them helpful, please consider dropping something in the TIP JAR!

Thanks so much!
Connie Knox

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Looking forward to all the exciting news and learning experiences! Hope to see you there.


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