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Getting Organized & FOCUS

Research Questions

Everything we do in genealogy starts with a good Research Question.  The Research Questions help to keep us focused on solving the genealogical problems we face.

Research Questions do not need to be rocket science. It is simple.  Think of the 5W’s from high school journalism. Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How.  However, we’ll throw a couple extra twists in there.

Get Organized

The trick to really breaking down brick walls starts with keeping your records organized and adding them to your Research Notes.

Organize (Research Question) Documents First

Focus on the Target Ancestor’s family, the records, and evidence related to the Research Question.  You do not need to reorganize your entire family history archives.  It’s an ongoing process. As you work on each Target Ancestor’s family, clean up your records, digitize and preserve as you work through the research process and create Research Notes on the Target Ancestor.

Scanning Documents & Photos


Scanning documents does not have to be hard or time consuming. I find scanning cell phone apps to be excellent and fast.  I use Turbo Scan.  I have been using it for years. You can snap a picture in the app which can convert to a PDF document instantly, and then you can email it to yourself with one click. You do need to set up your email address in the app to do this quickly.

Here is a link to a video I did on YouTube a while back about how to use Turbo Scan if you want to see it in action before purchasing.  The cost is a few dollars and so worth the price.  


Know that Turbo Scan or other apps that create PDF’s, are not good for photographs.

If you are copying photos, just use your camera in good lighting conditions and try to avoid glare. Try not to use a flash if the photo has a shiny surface.  At family reunions, I’ve been known to take photos outside, as the sun is the best lighting… and it’s free!

Filing Your Documents & Photos

This is the method I have used for decades.  It works beautifully and is easy for anyone to navigate. I use Surname Folders first, then individual ancestor folders within the Surname folder, then documents, photos, notes, and everything within the individual ancestor’s folders.


FOCUS is an acronym and a mantra. Focus on the research question and nothing else.  This acronym will help you answer your research questions.

Focus on the Research Question

Get all of that done for your research question and target ancestors… and then you’re ready to start the next phase… creating a research plan and tackling the rest of the research for your Research Question.

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